Wednesday 10 January 2007

Losing pounds (lbs)

There is so much diet and exercise stuff around now convincing people that they need to lose their 'christmas weight', did you know the average person puts on 6-8lbs of weight over Christmas! At weight watchers the queue was so long and the room full of new members, it's as though a new year is the only time when people decide to lose weight!
You may have noticed i mentioned a weight watchers meeting, well yes, i'll finally confess to hacing attended meetings for around 2-3 months now! I've lost a total of 9 and a half lbs. Which is a fair amount and i am proud to say that even though i ate chocolate and yummy xmas stuff i did not put on a single bit of weight! Woooo!
Well the aim of this post was firstly so that the new lighter me can feel better and also so that i can wonder WHY is everyone suddenly interested in weight and who bets it'll wear off within a month of so! Me, i plan to stik with it, i'll let you know how i get on.

P.S if you happen to see any weights read the amounts and see how heavy 9lbs actually is! it's suprising!
P.P.S Yay to dropping a dress size, a watch loop and ring sizes!

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